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Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29th - Overkill?

Hello there.
This is a photo that I took on my bike ride home... I guess the owner did not like people going on the roof. The barbwire is wrapped around and through the red metal casing around the ladder. one question though, how do you get on the roof now? Anyways Dan is in town tonight and we (group) are going for Sushi... should be tasty. Also Have second financial talk/presentation to goto. Also tomorrow is Saturday! hopefully i can get outside for my photo again, the light box is starting to get old (since i am running out of objects to put in it.


1 comment:

Cory Fry said...

You run out of ideas to put into your lightbox???

How about some fluff balls off the ground... be the first to PHOTOFLUFF!