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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19th - Crushed

Did not get around to adding some text yesterday. So for whoever reads this besides Court, Heather and my parents here is a brief summary. Today I had an amazing time biking to work. I cant believe it is January! There was a beautiful sunrise with lots of pretty colours. Unfortunately i did not have my camera with me this morning because biking and shooting pictures = fail + injury. I had the pleasure of biking by the usual murder of crows that decides to migrate in to Vancouver from Burnaby on a daily basis. I am very intrigued by them and would love try out the bird vending machine that i saw on TED. potential gold mine. Since we are still at a time when it is dark when I leave work my photo of the day is yet again another indoor shot of something random. Today I couldn't decide on what to shoot. I was humming and haha-ing (?) about it and decided to take an old egg shell and crush it. This photo followed shortly:

So thus ends the post.



Jane and Chris said...

that rookery is the main home for southern BC crows.. sheila works near there and at sunset the sky is black with crows coming home

amanda roth said...

i read too! :)