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Monday, February 01, 2010

February 1st - Escalator

First day in Febriciency. This term came from a few years ago when Cory and I were room mates. We decided that we were going to have an efficient February and that the first thing to do was to make it easier to say such a word. So far so good I would have to say... going to get all my 'new years resolutions' in action and pretty much just stop procrastinating with respect to things I need to get done. The photo for today is of a man in front of me on the escalator on my way home from work. I was going to ninja shoot someone on the street today but i didnt have the right lens (aka stalker zoom lens) and it was raining so i decided to postpone it for another day this week.



1 comment:

Cory Fry said...

Hey Gnaus....
I was thinking back about 3 yrs ago this morning... I awoke at 6:30am, not 5:00am like we were doing.
Anyways, I have a challenge for you with your pics, will let you know next time we speak!

Have a great month! Keep up the pics, they are awesome. My fav of January was the crushed egg - unique and interesting!
